Monday, 7 November 2011








Things about this photo that are fabulous:
Mark Gatiss
Benedict Cumberbatch
Mark’s hip
Sherlock’s coat
Benedict’s hands in Sherlock’s coat
Benedict’s and Mark’s deadlock stares
Mark’s jacket
Mark’s scarf
Mark Gatiss
Benedict’s feet propped together like a proper English school boy
The way Sherlock’s coat fans out
Mark Gatiss
Mark Gatiss
Benedict Cumberbatch
I think I covered all bases.

 Haha, excellent!

Wait… what? Is Godtiss actually taller than Benedict?
I thought that was impossible!

From the looks of things, the soles on his shoes are marginally thinner than Benedict’s even.

Mr. Cumberbatch is only ‘average’ height where I’m from. The tall kids (like my ‘little’ brother; four years younger and eleven inches taller) are able to look down at people his height…

I’ve always loved this pic. But yeah, 6’1” is pretty common, honestly, in the US. My husband, his twin, my dad, my grandpa, etc and on, are that tall exactly and my brother is taller. So I look at dear Ben and have to remind myself that (for my frame of reference) he’s really not that tall. Martin’s just short!

I think his overall build also helps emphasize his height - he’s quite lean, which sort of gives him the impression of being stretched out.
My father is 6’4 and weighs just under 200lbs, but in my mind he looks shorter than my best friend, who is 6’2 but weighs under 130. 

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