Thursday 31 May 2012

lovely piece from esquire

Style Moment of The Week | Perfecting The Award Show Look

Men’s style at award shows has always been a game of inches instead of miles so it’s only fair of us to point out when someone manages to perfect every inch of their style. And, at Sunday’s Television Baftas, Benedict Cumberbatch did just that. 
Most men at the show got it wrong in one way or another. There’s not enough space to list everything but common offences included: too small suits, too big suits, half undone ties (nothing worse than preplanned nonchalance) and, worst of all, bad shoes – we’re looking at you Keith Lemon and Alan Carr.
The man commonly known as Sherlock, however, avoided those pitfalls, teaming a perfectly tailored suit with a good pair of shoes and a slither of a Mad Men style pocket square. Perfectionists might say his time is a 1/4 inch undone but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.
The pocket square is the important part of this outfit. A well tailored suit is essential but it’s always the little things that elevate an outfit. Mad Men has gotten a bad rap lately, having become synonymous with any grey suit ever made but there’s still little tips worth taking from Draper & Co.
What can we take from this? The devil’s in the details – and never is that more apparent than at an event where everyone has to wear the same outfit. And get some good shoes, we all notice them.

source: cumberbatched

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