Thursday 26 July 2012

This article cracks me up! It also makes me very proud to be a fan of a certain Benedict Cumberbatch, not that I wasn't already!

We already know that Benedict Cumberbatch is a dangerous sex monster who will say ANYTHING to permanently destroy women’s reproductive organs, but now it turns out that he is also a total Birthday Beast who has unwittingly dedicated his life towards the eradication of our precious teenage cancer stockpiles. Seriously with this guy already! From ONTD:
The unofficial fansite, CumberbatchWeb started a donation drive for the Teenage Cancer Trust in honor of Benedict’s birthday. Originally hoping to raise 250 pounds, fans rallied together and surpassed it by thousands!
The website’s tumblr has posted this message: “In case you missed it on twitter Benedict has kindly sent a thank you message via his friend for the fundraising.
Benedict said: “The amount of effort, love, joy and celebration as well as money raised! I’m speechless. Pls pass on my love and gratitude. Thank you!! Bx”
So, in honor of his 36th birthday, his fans, completely on their own steam, raised more than £7,000 ($11,000) for a totally legitimate and useful charity? EESH! Is ANYONE safe around this guy? What is it with this guy?! Will this guy ever quit it?! Good grief. “Derrr, I’m Benedict Cumberbatch and I have a good head on my shoulders and a fair amount of humility and my priorities seem to be in the right place and it’s a pleasure to watch me succeed because I seem to have the talent to merit my success and the projects I choose are categorically interesting and it just so happens that my fans are the type of people who instead of desperately searching for photos of me buying a caramel macchiato and drawing cumstains on my Seven For All Mankind jeans, they’d rather pool their resources and help other people in need. Derrrrrr!” The worst.

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